So you want to make a video?
The best way to learn how to make award winning videos is to join with others and learn from each other. How about joining the most vibrant video/filmmaking club in Hertfordshire. Yes you guessed it.....Potters Bar Filmmakers.
Group Filmmaking
Most of our members make their own films. These may include dramas or comedies they make with the help of family and friends or documentaries on subjects they are interested in or places they have visited on holiday, but we also make films together.
Making a club film includes all the club members either in the many roles needed behind the camera or as actors. Over the years we have had great success with our productions and it is a great way for us all to develop our skills and learn from each other.
We also make films in smaller groups of three or four members working together to develop the story, film and edit their productions.
Our finished films are then entered into competitions against other clubs and also in the NTR IAC annual competition and BIAAF. We reach a wider audience when we take them on a road show to organisations that invites us.
Most importantly we are able to bounce ideas off each other and learn from each other. Our aim is to always be striving to improve our skills.
Making a club film includes all the club members either in the many roles needed behind the camera or as actors. Over the years we have had great success with our productions and it is a great way for us all to develop our skills and learn from each other.
We also make films in smaller groups of three or four members working together to develop the story, film and edit their productions.
Our finished films are then entered into competitions against other clubs and also in the NTR IAC annual competition and BIAAF. We reach a wider audience when we take them on a road show to organisations that invites us.
Most importantly we are able to bounce ideas off each other and learn from each other. Our aim is to always be striving to improve our skills.